ECC Technologies

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ErieNET Business Plan & Preliminary Open Access Network (OAN) Design


Erie County recognized the need to solve their digital divide. They adopted a legislative resolution to form a local development corporation named ErieNET, to build, manage and support the county-wide OAN. They needed an experienced firm to help them through the process of developing a comprehensive business plan addressing route design, administration, marketing, and operations. Erie County determined through a competitive review of firm qualifications that ECC Technologies was the strongest team for a successful project.


ECC Technologies developed a business plan and network route design to fulfill the mandate. The business model encompassed several areas; mission statement, market analysis, route design & CAIs, construction cost and process modeling, launch services, a marketing plan for future growth, operation development, governance and responsibility allocation, financial projections, and sample operating agreements.


ECC Technologies’ analysis and recommendations determined that the ErieNET Business Plan is an economically viable and sustainable business model.  Construction and ongoing administration, sales, and operations for a 5-year launch period will be covered using federal ARP funds; and in year 6 and onward ErieNET revenues will be sustainable for a successful and profitable operation.

Erie County is currently proceeding with a 400-mile network design and construction management contract with ECC Tech to design and manage the construction of the ErieNET OAN.

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