ECC Technologies

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Madison County New York Broadband Study


Madison County needed to address their broadband infrastructure needs. They realized that improvements were required to facilitate County growth and provide solutions for residents.


ECC conducted a two-phased approach. Phase 1 involved a Fiber Optic and Coaxial Asset Inventory. This involved GIS mapping of current infrastructure from various sources: ISP data, FCC 477 data, and our team driving the roads to map data. Phase 2 involved a needs assessment. We utilized our BAAT program to survey, map, and analyze availability and adoption issues within the County.


A full-scale report depicting the entire picture of broadband infrastructure within Madison County down to the address level was produced. More specifically, Madison County came away with documented evidence of a lack of competition and diversity of infrastructure in the rural areas of the County.  Additionally, the County was made aware of the fact that populated areas typically had a choice of two providers or more. This tends to lead to the development and growth of businesses and communities as a whole.

Furthermore, The BAAT report indicated that only 30% of those who had internet access at home were able to purchase the speed of service they needed. On top of this, only 15% felt they were receiving “good value”. The numbers continue to underline the importance of broadband when it comes to schoolwork; 69% of homes without internet reported students having difficulty completing homework.

Armed with this data, Madison County became positioned to pursue the next steps and future objectives to close the digital divide in an effective and efficient manner.